Comenius Camp Slavkov 2013 – program

ISŠ SlavkovAktuálně

Comenius Camp Slavkov 2013 – program

Projekt Comenius nezahálí. Po krátké odmlce je příprava další fáze v plném proudu. Pokračování na sebe již nenechá dlouho čekat. V novém školním roce organizujeme a pořádáme společný camp pro zúčastněné školy. Již je připraven program tohoto setkání, který  je obsahem článku.




Slavkov: 14th – 17th October 2013

“Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status.”

(Universal Declaration of Human Rights – Article 2)


Monday 14th

Tuesday 15th

Wednesday 16th

Thursday 17th

individually to Brno*

according to the arrival:
– visiting the school
– joining the lessons
– a short city walk
– welcome by the school management
– (warm up activities to know each other)


Settling in host families

about 8:30 – 12:00

Warm up – meeting the participants

Workshop 1
History and Culture of Romany ethnic group

about 8 :30 – 11 :00

Workshop 2:
Simulation game



12 – 12:30  lunch


11:30 – 12:00  lunch


Visiting Slavkov
official visit of the city hall
Slavkov Chateau
Golf area


During the journey to Brno, a few stops at some places reminding the Napoleon’s Battle of Austerlitz in 1805

Workshop 3
– Museum of Romany Culture (Romany Holocaust)

Workshop 4
Vila Tugendhat
(UNESCO) 15:30-16:00-16:30

Visiting Brno


Evening  – Host families

Coordinators and school staff informal meeting

about 19 :00 – 20:30
Farewell Party



Workshop 1
Introducing the ethnic group of Romany, its history and origins, prejudices between Romany and majority society


Workshop 2
Simulation game when students try to solve everyday issues of „majority and minority living in one place“


Workshop 3
Visiting The Museum of Romany Culture, focused on Romany holocaust during the World War II
(We will try to organize a meeting and short discussion with a Romany holocaust survivor as well)


Workshop 4
Visiting vila Tugendhat, a UNESCO monument since 2001, built by Ludwig Miese van der Rohe for a Jewish family (Greta and Fritz Tugendhat) who had to leave because of their ethnic origin at the beginning of WW II